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Rendez-vous inspirants | Diversity and Inclusion: Exceptional Careers in Health

As part of Black History Month, the Alumni and Donor Network, in collaboration with the faculties of Medicine, Pharmacy and Nursing Sciences of the Université de Montréal, presents “Rendez-vous inspirants”.

8th February 2023 at 12:00pm

Discover, during this virtual event, the inspiring journeys of three graduates working in the field of health.
🔹 Nadine Belony (Nursing Science 2016)
🔹 Edouard Kouassi (Pharmacy 1979, Pharmacology 1981 and 1985)
🔹 Agathe Tupula Kabola (Speech Therapy 2010)

Registration free, but compulsory:…/WN_vIjfU_XJSNqRtUa_-wIrtw