Thank you for your participation. The awardees will be contacted by email.
Please, e-mail documents before September 27th, 4:00 pm at: qbmascholarship@gmail.com. Visit our Linkedin page!
If you’re looking for top tips on how to submit the best application, then you’re in the right place. Read on for some insider from our judges…
Are you a student in the Medical field or in health-related sciences? Do you believe you are deserving of a QBMA scholarship?
Visit our Linkedin page!
On October 26, 2018, the QBMA symposium was held at Université de Montréal and was attended by about 50 people to celebrate the academic excellence of medical and health sciences students from the black community
Thank you all for your participation!
Thank you to our distinguished guests from UdeM:
Dr Hélène Boisjoly, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine,
Dr Michèle Brochu, Assistant Vice-President of Graduate Studies and Administrator serving asDean of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, Director of the SEUR Project,
Dr Jean-Michel Leduc, Chair of the Equity and Diversity Committee of the Faculty of Medicine,
Dr Ahmed Maherzi, Director of the Office of Social Accountability of the Faculty of Medicine,
Mrs Stéphanie Lebœuf, SEUR Project Coordinator
This evening, held under the theme of social accountability in health, was an opportunity to underline the community commitment of outstanding students.
Highlights of the evening are shown in the following video:
To view the photos, please click here.
The 2018 winners are:
Mrs Awan Sounita, DEC Nursing student at Dawson College (3rd year); QBMA award
Mrs Noela Wangsi,Bachelor of Science in Nursing student at McGill University (1st year); QBMA award
Mr Junio Dort, post-doctoral student at UdeM; QBMA award
Mrs Kayla Lewis Thelusmon, master’s student in applied Biochemistry at UdeM (2nd year); Black Studies Center award
Mrs Nadège Zanre, medical student at UdeM (3rd year); Equity and Diversity Committee of the UdeM Faculty of Medicine award,
Mrs Jocelyne Diabira, medical student at UdeM (4th year); Elrie Tucker award
Scholarships range from $1,000 to $3,000, depending on the academic performance, social involvement and financial needs of the recipients.
A special thank you to our dear donors:
Black Studies Center,
Equity and Diversity Committee ofthe UdeM Faculty of Medicine
This year, QBMA will be holding a symposium on Friday October 26th from 17h30 to 21h00 at Université de Montréal, (Roger-GaudryPavillion, 2900 Edouard-Montpetit, Room M-415 et Hall L-400; Metro : Université de Montréal).
At this occasion, QBMA will present scholarships to recipients selected for their academic achievements and their social endeavours in their community.
Admission is free.
Please, confirm your presence by sending an email at qbma.president@gmail.com
The deadline for application to the QBMA scholarship has been extended to September 28th 2018 at 4 pm.
Please, e-mail documents at qbma.president@gmail.com.